JAGUAR - Master of The Shadows

Become the MASTER of yours shadows by calling in the energy of the JAGUAR. The protector of all life in the Amazon. She anchors in the of activation of courage, certainty, and mastery. The Jaguar is at the top at the food chain and NEVER becomes prey. Ready to POUNCE on your fears and CONQUER your darkness? Let's Roll.

5 Activating LIVE Modules (starting May 1st):

🐆MODULE 1: The Shadow Exploration - Identify where the dark shadows linger in your mind, body, and spirit with love, compassion, and groundedness. You cannot change what that you are not aware of. In this deep exploration, you will come to find out the TRUTH about your shadows: they do NOT have a hold over you. I will be personally walking you through how regulate your nervous system and anchor in the feelings of deep love and safety and even elicit some expected excitement and relieve around the shadowy parts of you. We will be using my D.E.E.P. Energetic Signature Method to transmute the darkness into light. 

🐆MODULE 2: Never The Prey - You will walk out from this module feeling BRAND NEW, CONFIDENT, and COURAGEOUS af (yee-haw!) as you will learn the exact blueprint on how to come out on TOP and clear out the subscious GUNK that has been haunting you for all this time. The jaguar is at the top of the food chain and can never be the prey - it's time for you to become the same. Yes or yes?

🐆MODULE 3: Pounce On Fear - This is where the action's at. This is where you will witness yourself walking the walk. Doing the things you've been *oh-so-afraid-of* but ready AF to do, and that is: to TRACK and HUNT your fears down with laser precision. And that's exactly what we will do here, together. Power energy activation, fear energy clearing, and live Higher Self transmissions to aid and assist you into doing the inevitable. NOW switching roles (oohlala role play ;)) where you get to show your fears who's the BOSS 'round here. Picture yourself standing tall and sexy, taking your power back, walking over to your shadowy parts and whisper, "Bye, Felicia!" and cat walk away, just like that. 

🐆MODULE 4: Stealth / Grace - Time for you to MOVE like the sexy jaguar that you are: slowly, patiently, calmly, teasingly, gracefully, and masterfully through the night in the jungle that you call Life. Explore the energetic embodiment of the True You when it comes to sexy-staring your shadows and darkness into the eyes. Maybe purr a little. Maybe smirk a little. Maybe scare 'em a little. Equip yourself with true skills of agility to quickly spot and navigate when sh** hits the fans next time, how to bounce back in no time when darkness comes (as it does from time to time...we are not here to avoid them, but rather, move with them, and through them) with stealthiness, with gracefulness, with love, with POWER. Time to flip the script: your shadows are usually the sneaky ones.. but not this time, baby...not this time. 

🐆MODULE 5: The Shadow Mastery - The moment has arrived where you realized "Wait the minute! I hold the key all along", this is a sacred moment where the true work begins. The mastery of shadow navigation, fear management, emotional grounding, unshakable confidence, and profound awakening to your LIGHT. This is a deep training where you will get to understand what it truly takes to be STRONG yet be in your playfulness and softness at the same time. We will unlock the codes of how to truly have a sustainable and lasting embodied energetics of a True Light Warrior. Walk out of this training feeling charged and ready to take on the WORLD.

⚡️BONUS: The Call of The Jaguar (Energy Activation) with Tina to awaken the Master of The Shadows within.

Get your sexy self in the room. You know it's time we pull up the sleeves and do this work.

The truth, the freedom, the mastery. You get to have it all, right here, right now. Let's GO. 

Modules for this product 6

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 JAGUAR - Master of The Shadows
 $ 555.00 USD
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 $ 197.00 USD  ( then $197.00 USD a month )

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