I Am The Light

You are destined to shine as the Light of the World. 

You heard the deep soul calling, and you know the time is now.

YOUR time is now.

'I Am The Light' is more than a coaching container, it is a SOUL DECLARATION that you are here to be YOU.

Shine as YOU. Live as YOU. Impact the world as YOU. Receive massive abundance as YOU.

The Chosen Ones are self-chosen. Being the LIGHT of the world is WHO you are meant to be.

Get ready to receive massive divine codes, cosmic initiation, and spiritual BLESSINGS that are available for you now encoded in the 11 Tibetan Sacred Gemstones that have been destined to find its way to you.

Receive the holy blessings and ancient wisdom codes embedded deep in these sacred gemstones and unlock your highest light leadership potential.

What We Will Cover:


Receive the codes that you are destined to receive and the blessings that you are now blessed with to do your soul work and shine as The Light Of The World 🌟

(Module 2) HEAL2HEAL: Healing The Healer

Imposture syndrome? Out of the window😊 Shame and guilt about being seen and making it BIG? Gone😊 Feeling not good enough to do what you came here to do? You'll be laughing after this😌


Get ready, because you're about to be really SEEN in your heart, soul, and beautiful mind. The Light that has been activated within you will 111% turn heads of the true audience and divine receiver of your message. You already know you're meant to do BIG things, so now, my love: we're DOING IT...together! 💃💃💃🪩

All the secrets will be revealed 👁️ All the speedhacks will be available 👁️ You'll be shocked at just how simple and easy it GETS to be in you are aligned with the 'I AM THE LIGHT' frequency.


Learn how to take back your power and speak your truth that moves the hearts and souls of thousands of people all over the world by activating your voice code 🎤🌎 Experience the 'Voice of Spirit' healing and channeling session to dissolve your past traumas keeping you silent for far too long and liberate your throat chakra forever 🙌

Don't know what to say? Have lots you want to share but not sure how to share them consistently with mass impact? Worry not my child, the Divine got you - there is an easier way 😌 I will show you exactly how to access the 'Divine Flow State' or 'Channeling State' where streams of consciousness will just FLOW through you without you trying 💦🌊 (that's how I was able to create over 3000 videos on the internet with ease, joy, and potency) You're gonna LOVEEE this module 💯

(Module 5) TURN UP YOUR POTENCY: Let Your Energy Do The Work

Does that sound of work less and play more turn you on? 😋 Well, that's exactly what you will be experience with this module where you will let in on major secret codes on BEING the MOST powerful version of you while your clients and audience will naturally feel the shift in their lives without you even trying. You will experience A LOT of people and opportunities come knocking at your door once you master the things I share inside.

(Module 6) PRODUCTIVITY MAGIC: Secrets To Work Smart, Chill Out and Serve More

Okay, my smartie pants 🤓 let's make your life 10 TIMES more EASY with this tools and techs I'm about to share with you on how I saved hoursssssss of valuable time when it comes to my conscious businesses and divine work 👩‍💻 Don't work hard, work smart - so you can impact way more people and feel light like a feather with lots of time to spend with your loved ones, travel the world, and exploring life! 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏝️⛰️

You get to have it all AND it gets to be easy: be in divine service WHILE live your dream life WITHOUT slaving away and feeling drained 🙏

(Module 7) DIVINE CREATION: How To Channel and Powerfully Package Your Genius

Dream of creating your very own offer / product / program / course / retreat / book / transformative experience for people your soul are designed to help? 💝🥹 Get ready to learn how to package your skills and knowledge in a potent way that has your soulmate clients jumping up and down saying "yasss I want IN!!!!" 🙋‍♀️🤩🙌 Nothing feels better than feeling deeply appreciated and valued for your offerings - I will show you how to achieve this with so much elegance and FUN! 🎨👩‍🎨

(Module 8) THE WEALTHY LIGHTWORKER: Income Flow, Happy Money, and Financial Freedom

We don't need any more broke and struggling healers🙅‍♀️ The world needs YOU to be wealthy and prosperous so that you can not worry about finances and actually FOCUS on doing the light work that you're here to do and live the life that lights your soul up!!  

In this module, you will be mind blown on how to effortlessly generate abundant income that feels like a warm cup of tea to your soul. You will be given the energetic AND practical tools on how to create a 6-Figure conscious business and exactly how I did it (I share with you everything!) This is POWERFUL stuff!

and...did we mention BONUSES? 🍭🤩💫

🎁(BONUS #1) Miracle Worker Manifestation Vault

🎁(BONUS #2) Light Leadership Training: How To Lead, Guide, Heal, and Share Your Light

🎁(BONUS #3) Youtube Growth Secrets For Light Workers and Intuitives 

🎁(BONUS #4) Very Easy and Intuitive Selling Guide For Empaths

🎁(BONUS #5) Exclusive Access To 'I Am The Light' Private Community

What You Will Receive:

✅ 8 Potent Modules To Snap Into Your Highest Timeline Living Your True Soul Purpose (Value $1111)

✅ 11 Weeks of LIVE Intimate Group Coaching With Tina To Unlock Your Unique Light Codes and Power Plus Get On-The-Spot Guidance and Support For Your Unique Situation (Value $5999)

✅ Powerful BONUSES Worth Over $3000 To Deepen Your Purpose Work (Value $3000+)

✅ Access To The Exclusive 'I Am The Light' Private Community To Learn From Fellow Lightworkers and Extra Support and Guidance From Tina (Value $1111)

Become An Owner Of 1/11 Tibetan Sacred Gemstones That Are Activated, Blessed and Encoded With Ancient Soul Wisdom And Divine Teachings For Your Path

Get ready, you're about to become The Light Of The World.

Say it out loud with me "I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD"

Click below to join now! (SOLD OUT!)

You will be receive ONE (out of 11) sacred tibetan gemstone with unique codes and blessings for your soul journey. I will carry them with me to the divine energy vortexes of the ancient land Mexico next month to ask for the blessings for you before I send them out.

13 Modules

PRODUCTIVITY MAGIC: Secrets To Work Smart, Chill Out and Serve More

(BONUS #1) Miracle Worker Manifestation Vault

(BONUS #2) Light Leadership Training: How To Lead, Guide, Heal, and Share Your Light

(BONUS #3) Youtube Growth Secrets For Light Workers and Intuitives

(BONUS #4) Very Easy and Intuitive Selling Guide For Empaths

(BONUS #5) Exclusive Access To 'I Am The Light' Private Community

Modules for this product 13

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