Birthing Divine Creation 1:1 Private Mentorship

The Universe has a plan for you. Your soul already knew what this is, and now, your human is awakening to it and choosing it FULLY and WHOLEHEARTEDLY.

This ultra laser-sharp private container is destined to birth your divine creation with ease and flow. You are NOT meant to do it alone - instead, you are meant to CO-CREATE this...with the Divine, with your brothers and sisters on this realm, and with the energies that are meant to support you on your soul journey.

Get ready your true evolution, snap into your highest available timeline, and birth your visions into reality now.

What's Included:

  • 9 x 1:1 Biweekly Birthing Divine Creation Sessions where you will walk out with powerful energy activations (and clearings) as well a laser clear action plans for you to move forward with ease, flow, and precision
  • All Access to Unlimited Text and Audio Support to brainstorm, energy check in, process emotions and energy shifts, accountability and realign you to your truest version
  • Sessions Recordings for you review and revisit as often as need
  • Aside from the Energetic and Psychic Support, You Will Receive Tangible Support In Idea Creation, Channeling Divine Plan, and Building Your Soul Aligned Business in the truest way possible
  • Aligned Collaborations and Promotions with Tina's audience and channels to expand your network and reach 

Let's do this. Click the button below to get started!

3 Modules

Session Recordings

Extra Support and Resources

Additional support and resources can be found here.

Modules for this product 3
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 3-Month Payment Plan (Birthing Divine Creation 1:1 Private Mentorship)
 $3,555.00 USD  ( then $3,555.00 USD for 2 months )
 Pay In FullBirthing Divine Creation 1:1 Private Mentorship)
 $9,997.00 USD

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