Light Warrior

Are you READY to walk this Earth as a true expression of the Divine Light? 

Are you READY to reclaim your TRUEST AND  HIGHEST Destiny Path?

You know, the one that you somehow just KNOWWW in your heart that you’re MEANT TO LIVE OUT LOUD. 

The one that your friends and even family members questioned you on… laughed at you about… telling you that you’re not being ‘realistic’...

But somehow… you just can’t help but come back to it AGAIN AND AGAIN… ⏎

The thought of liberating yourself…being trulyyy TRULY happy…living in absolute abundance and freedomhaving it all WITH inner peace and soul alignment…helping hundreds and even thousands of people to do the same… 

Bits and pieces of it just keeps on knocking and knocking.. ✊

THAT’s the undeniable Destiny Path that I’m talking about…

Not the FALSE ones that you’ve been scammed into thinking that if you follow it like a good little robot, it will lead to ‘happiness’…

🎭 The fake-af-character-who-you-are-NOT stuff… 

🧐 The excessive material hoarding stuff… 

👀 The love-lust stuff… 

💩 The superficial status stuff… 

☠️ The toxic numbing addiction stuff… 

🤡 The chasing of internet vanity metrics stuff 

You know.. THOSE ‘STUFF’ that softly (orrr heavily) destroy your soul 😵

Life is not about STUFFING yourself with THINGS & being constantly DISTRACTED from your TRUTH  so that you can’t SEE properly what is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU...

See who you truly are as a divine spirit

See the soul gifts wanting to just oozeeee out of you

See that your destiny path has been knocking on your door all this time

See that Universe is dropping you major hints, clues, and breadcrumbs on what to do & where to be so you can quantum leap your life 

But were you TOO busy? TOO preoccupied? TOO caught up turning your head to the PING! NOTIFICATION! DISTRACTION! 😵‍💫 to truly notice it all?


Oh here comes to BLEH-ness, dissatisfaction, MEH-ness, the procrastination, the excuses, the hiding, the doubting, the frustration, the blaming, the giving up…

WHOA…whoa whoa!! WAIT THE MINUTE…!!!!!!


THIS can’t be IT!!!

👏As you snap yourself TF out of this trance for a hot second, and begin to question it all…

"Is it all a TRAP? Am I in a TRAP? What the EFF is this crap that I keep on going back to? What is this 'default setting' that keep sucking me back into the dark hole? 

Why is all this crappy-crap-crap keeps coming up and poisoning my mind whenever I want to DO SOMETHING GRAND? SOMETHING GOOOOODDD!?


Why oh why is it that MR. FEAR always gets in the way?

...Persuade me to stray off path?

Brainwash me to think that I am not enough…or…even.. TOO MUCH?



What is this??? WHY is this??? HOW…."

Then comes the LIGHT 

...coming through from the Highest of Places.

The TRUE source of illumination…

The connection that was never lost.

The Unconditional Love SOURCE that never gives up on you…

It just keeps on patiently calling you back Home

To Love, to Light, to Peace, to Wisdom, to Wholeness, to You (with the capital Y)

  • The You who is joyful, 
  • The You who is free,
  • The You who is a person of impact,
  • The You who knows peace,
  • The You who knows Truth,
  • The You who knows abundance,
  • The You who is brave, who is kind, who is loving
  • The You who has immense personal and supernatural power,
  • The You who is beyond this physical body, space and time...
  • The Divine You.

Will you choose to fight for You? 

Will you choose to love You?

Will you choose to save You?

OR will you continue to give into the lies that blind you? Into falsehood keep you drowning? 

The darkness of thought that somehow you are bad' or wrong, too far down to be recovered, too long gone?

Will you choose to continue to listen to that POISON? 

Or will you now spit that sh*t out and RECLAIM ALL OF YOU?









Every fibre of my spirit is crying out for this time of destiny path reclamation for all of us Light Warriors, who were BORN to pave the ways, lead the path for so many to come join.


▵ Stand tall in the light accordingly, 

▵ Heal accordingly, 

▵ Cast out leeches and demons accordingly, 

▵ Fight for our divine rights accordingly, 

▵ Be equipped accordingly, and 

▵ Be bolder than ever before accordingly.

To carry out our mission and our divine purpose.

To truly come to know Our Divine Light, SOURCE itself, our TRUE Soul Purpose and (yep) the secret enemies that sneakily dim our light. 

Time to gather up our army of Light Warriors, whose ‘weapons of change’ are their unshakeable spiritual strength, infinite wisdom, unconditional love, immersible peace, and indestructible joy.

Walk with me, Light Warriors. The world is ready to know who we are. It’s our time to RISE. 

For the Light! 


It is time we TRAIN. 30 Days, you and me. There will be tears of unleashing. There will be sacred visions clearly presented to you, through you. There will be accelerated awakening. There will be massive unveiling. You will come to understand true SPIRITUAL STRENGTH. You will come to understand the true MEANING of: love, light, and peace...and LIVE IT. You will walk out anew, purified, cleansed, and... you will remember. Who you always were. Why you are here. The divine role you play. How you are to proceed moving forward to reclaim your glorious destiny path. Expect the HUGE blessings, joys, clearings, and revelations.


☑️ Spiritual Detoxification - We begin by clearing out the crap in your spiritual and physical body and you will be SHOCKED to see just how instantly LIGHTER you feel (and I mean instantly). Spiritual hygiene or colonic (lol whatever suits your visualization) is what this is. Enough is enough. If you've ever felt like you "soaked up" someone's negative energy or "drained" from going about your day-to-day, THIS is why: TOXINS in the invisible realm and in the energetic realms... although you might not SEE them, you can DEFFFF FEEL them - especially if you're a true empath. Yes or yes? Well, we're clearing these suckers out first thing off the bat so you may return to the state of purity where you truly belong. 

☑️ Mind Purification - "Your thoughts create your reality" - But what thoughts are implanted in your beautiful mind? Is it the "DANG YOU ARE UNSTOPPABLE SEXY THING" kind of vibe orrr the "YOU ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH LOSER" kinda vibe? You got it - We WILL GO IN and clear OUT the lingering mind traps through the Mind Purification Process and the Consciousness Expansion Method so that you are only left with empowering thoughts and clear crown channel to receive the messages from the Divine (not the unhelpful and sabotaging stuff)

☑️ Emotional Wounds Healing - Heal your emotional wounds has the power to heal your "physical" wounds as well. I will be dedicating a powerful energy healing session for us to PULL out the leftover 'poison' and close up 'open-wounds' that make you feel unsafe and uneasy to move forward in your path of soul liberation and divine service - this is usually one of the most NOTICEABLE shift that my private clients reported seeing a clear difference in their body (and even year long physical symptoms) with minutes or days (very profound and eye-opening to see the true miracles of when you are working with the Light) Many of my clients also reported sleeping better, feeling no stress in their day-to-day, and being able to 'feel safe and at peace' since a long time.

☑️ Heart Portal Activation & Sacred Wisdom Access - Your heart portal is your energetic GATEWAY to infinite love, purity, and wisdom. Close your eyes and tap into your heart, you will feel everything, know everything, and tune into everything. Why most people are not able to do this is because they are AFRAID to open up their hearts (for all reasons you can imagine). BUT NOT YOU, LIGHT WARRIOR!!! NOT YOU. You are brave, you are kind, you are powerful, and your true powerful comes from you standing FIRM in your pure light and compassion. That you hold the key to a newer world, a kinder world, a more compassionate world - where THE LOVE RULES (not greed, hatred, and fear) and so for that, you must walk the path to lead the path. No worries, Light Warrior, you will be thoroughly equipped by the Highest of Light and I will share with you how to access your heart's medicine and wisdom for you to draw immense power and wisdom from to shine your light brightly in this world.

☑️ Soul Purpose & Life Mission Revelation - The fun part! Still searching for what you're here to do? Why you're here? Well... How about some answers? We will be opening up the divine channel and you will be SHOWN the Path that your soul has chosen to walk on (you will still have to choose it though) - I will guide you into how to do this in step-by-step and receive crystal clear clarity as well as connecting the dots by activate the inner knowing that you've been carrying with you all this life. Clarity - Here we freaking come!

☑️ Destiny Path Reclamation - This is when you TAKE BACK what was always YOURS. Your beautiful mind, your pure heart, your bright smile, your deserving peace, your rightful abundance, and ALL OF YOU. How to find and cultivate power in your voice, set potent intentions, and unshakingly COMMAND the energy leeches, vampires, rats, and thefts to GTFO of your way in being and claiming all who you came here to be and shine your light unapologetically aka the way it's MEANT to. 

☑️ Spiritual Strength Training - Leave the gym clothes at home and put on your Light Warrior outfit, baby, 'cause we are about to UNLEASH your true spiritual strengths and sharpen your divine gifts (yes - even the ones you didn't know you have yet!!) Walk out of this 30-Day Training feeling STRONGER than ever and ABSOLUTE-FREAKING-LY UNSTOPPABLE to do the things you've always want to do. Don't be surprised if you find yourself finally started that purpose-led business, walked away from ALL the mediocre stuff, upgraded to VIP FIRST CLASS lane in every way in life because you woke up to the gem that you are. No longer apologize for being YOU, no longer keep your mouth shut for the sake of 'being a goooood person' - it's about about being GOOD person based of someone else's expectation. You're already 'good', now you just need to be TRUE to you. OH - don't be surprised if you find yourself not giving a *&%&%$) about the things that you used to care so much about (like other people's opinions of you). Time to flex those spiritual muscles. Let's GO!


The question is: YOU IN??


  30-Day BRAND NEW LIVE Light Warrior Curriculum 

  Pre-Recorded LIVE Trainings + Replays (plus extras will be added as I am led to) 

  Live Replay of Q&As Sessions To Deepen Your Experience 

  Additional Multimedia Materials (Extra Exclusive Audio Trainings, Workbooks, Video Trainings, etc.) For Multi-Sensory Absorption & Learning 

  Lifetime Access To All Materials, Trainings, and REPLAYS 


🎁 Destiny Path Activation (Value $97) - Experience the gateways of your soul's highest path opening as you bathe in this deep remembrance of what was always meant for you to experience in this lifetime

🎁 False Light Illumination Training (Value $97) - Not all glitter is gold. This transmission is as real as it can get: revealing to you the false fluorescent lights in your life vs. the holy light from the Highest Source. This is a very revealing and important training for all pure souls, whose light is sacred and must not be trapped.

🎁 Abundance and Prosperity Light Codes Transmission (Value $88) - The RECEIVING activation that cracks you open to receiving unexpected influx of abundance and prosperity in your personal life, money, and business. You will experience a deep quantum abundance restructuring so that you can receive more, fast, and with ease. 

6 Modules

**Light Warrior 30-Day Curriculum**

BONUS: Abundance and Prosperity Light Codes Transmission

BONUS: How To Shine Your Light Brightly On Social Media (Coming Soon)

BONUS: False Light Illumination Training (Coming Soon)

Modules for this product 6
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