(8/8 Portal) Private 1:1 Energy Activation Session With Tina

VIP Energy, baby. Exclusive private 1:1 session with me for the born-to-be SEEN, HEARD, and FELT way-shower / healer / visionary / leader of this era to boldly unlock the highest potential available. Is it you?

Ready to CRACK open your potential and unleash your unique pathways of inevitable success? Let's FLY.

You will be shown the energetic data points of untapped opportunities, potentials, as well as any behind-the-surface resistances, for you break through with power and clarity. You will absolutely shift into your highest path of destiny beyond expectation while being anchored in the pure divine light. I'm feeling the goosebumps... Ready to boldly claim your golden throne and let your energy be FELT by the masses? 

During our time together, we will clearly identify and begin to strip away the layers that were installed that keep you small. You will receive personalized guidance and implementation on the exact practical as well as energetic steps to take to unleash your true radiance and magnetism. 

For the chosen one who is destined for big success and bigger impact. 

Sign up below and schedule your session with Tina.

(Very LIMITED Spots Available)

  • 1:1 Energy Activation and Clearing Session (~90 minutes)
  • Full Recording Available For Download and To Revisit As Often As Need
  • BONUS Aftercare Private 1:1 Call Included to check in your process post-integration as well as clearly map out the next steps to expand your success.

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 $ 1,111.00 USD

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