Pocket Coaching with Tina Wong

Want to have me as your personal pocket coach? This 1:1 unlimited voice and text VIP Access to me is the one for you.

On-the-go, anytime, anywhere. Just drop in!

Get the support you need and the perspect expansion guidance to live your true authentic life and receive an abundance of blessings that was always meant for you to experience. We go DEEP, and nothing is off limits.

How it works:

-This is a private and intimate 1:1 coaching container with me where you will have voxer access to UNLIMITED voice and text coaching. Meaning, there no are limits to where our conversations will go, the topics that are meant to rise to the surface to help you breakthrough to your next level version, the tears and laughter that we will share, and the intimacy of going deeper and deeper through uncovered the unfiltered truths.

-This is where I will hold space for you to be SEEN, HEARD, and FELT for all parts of you: the genius, the curious, the afraid, the untapped potential, ...

-This is where "feeling stuck", "not sure what to do", and "i don't know" will be squashed as you will be receiving the exact the pathway to absolute clarity, joy, love, and abundance. Any and every questions will be answered

-You and I will truly get to know each other's heart during our time together. You will be so loved, so cared for, so cared for, so supported in ways that are truly profound. We will be opening up divine cosmic connections to activate your soul's remembrance of who you are and who you are here to be, deeper and truer than ever before.

-Here, you'll have FULL PERMISSION to take up space. You will not annoy me, I promise lol. All you gotta do is to drop in as many times as you feel called to, and I'll be tuning into each one of the things you shared and reflect back to you exactly what you are meant to receive at this point in time. We will go back and forth and deeper and deeper. Most importantly, we will have so much fun together.

I'm so excited to meet your soul's divine essence. I'm so excited to support you in every step of the way. I am so honoured to be sharing this time and space with you. I'm beyond thrilled to witness the miracles that will occur during our time together. The activations an conversations that will happen in here will be pure magic.

Feeling the expansion of desire that this is a yes yes yes?

Feeling the the soul-nudge that you're meant to be here?

* Click the button below to get started! *

You can choose the 1-Month Pocket Coaching Option OR the 2-Month Pocket Coaching Option. The 2-Month Option also includes access to ALL my best-selling courses AND the intimate RISE MASTERMIND (can be bought separately at $5555)

So? Let's do this thang. 

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 1 Month of UNLIMITED Pocket Coaching With Tina
 $ 2,222.00 USD
 2 Months of UNLIMITED Pocket Coaching With Tina
 $ 3,333.00 USD

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