Terms and Conditions

In purchasing any program on this site, MemberVault or through affiliates and any third party payment processor:

I understand that I am purchasing a digital product and/or service. By purchasing this product, I AGREE to pay the listed price (applies to full price, discounted price, and total duration of payment plan price) for the entire duration in full regardless of completion, usage or change-of-mind.

Happy & Healed Program Refund Policy:

I understand that I am eligible for a 30-day money back guarantee from the start date of the program. 

Self Study Program(s) Refund Policy:

I understand there are no refunds due to the nature of the content. 

Mystery Program(s) Refund Policy:

I understand there are no refunds due to the nature of the content. 

Live Program(s) Refund Policy:

I understand that I fully back myself up by choosing what I buy and that there are no refunds for live programs.

Mastermind(s) Refund Policy:

I understand there are no refunds for masterminds or memberships. 

Private Client Work, VIP 1:1 Voice/Text Support or 1:1 Coaching & Mentorship (In-Person, Groups, 1:1 Audio/Text Support, 1:1 Online Coaching or 1:1 Mentorship) Refund Policy:

I understand there are no refunds for any type of 1:1 or private work in-person and online. 

In-Person Event(s) & VIP Day(s) Refund Policy:

I understand there are no refunds for In-Person events. I understand that I can transfer my spot to another person to attend/participate instead (contact team@mytruealignment.com to complete this ticket transfer 48 hours before event starts). 

I understand that there are no refunds for in-person VIP days. I understand that I have the option to reschedule in case of an emergency and I understand that there might be a rescheduling fee to cover the cost of travel and accommodation if applicable. Contact team@mytruealignment.com to inform us immediately and we will be able to assist.

Deposit(s) Refund Policy:

Deposit(s) are non refundable only transferable. Deposit(s) apply to limited spot live program(s), in-person events, private coaching containers, VIP days, and True Alignment Retreats.

I understand that all sales are final and there are no refunds given.

I understand I will be responsible for any legal fees which might arise and any expenses which may be incurred by True Alignment in efforts to obtain full payment, if I fail to meet the conditions of this Agreement.

Payment(s) and Payment Plan(s) Policy:

I understand that I am responsible to pay the full amount of the price originally agreed to pay for any program purchased, regardless of leave the program, completing within the time-frame provided, or not using the container at all. This also applies to all recurring payment plans originally agreed upon purchase. 

I understand that by agreeing these terms of service, I agree to never dispute any charges already paid, no matter the payment gateway (Example: Paypal, Stripe, bank transfer, etc.) and I understand that nothing herein shall limit My True Alignment Global Inc. from seeking payment for any chargeback or credit card disputes made at anytime.

I understand that upon payment, I am granted non-exclusive, non-transferable rights to use the Digital Content for my personal, non-commercial use. I also understand that I may copy, store, transfer, and burn the Digital Content only for personal, non-commercial use. I agree not to infringe the rights of the Digital Content’s copyright owner and agree not to redistribute, sell, broadcast, rent, share, adapt, license or otherwise transfer the content. This Digital content embodies the intellectual property of a third party and is protected by law.

I agree to not use your products for any illegal or unauthorized purpose nor violate any laws in the jurisdiction (including but not limited to copyright laws). I agree to not transmit any worms or viruses or any code of a destructive nature. A breach or violation of any of the Terms and Conditions will result in immediate termination of my access to all products and/or services.

I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions, and I agree that they form part of the contract between us. If I am under the age of 18 years, I confirm that I have brought the terms and a condition to the notice of my parent or guardian, and that person has agreed that I may purchase your Services.

Last Updated: October 10th, 2023

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